Tuesday, January 18, 2011

More thinging with 23 Things

I had already set up my iGoogle account and had used it vaguely. I think RSS feeds are great in theory, but I find that I ignore most of them when they come up. It is a lot of messing around getting all the feeds you want. I tend to keep up with the blogs I like by having them permanently open in tabs on Firefox and I use Xmarks to keep all my bookmarks. Still it is fun to play with iGoogle. I'll will certainly give it second chance... or is that a fifth chance?


Proof-reading the your blog posts is a very good idea.


  1. Or what about exploring the Warwick Option in place of the iGoogle page? (start.warwick.ac.uk) It would still count as Things 4-6 done, and you might find it more relevant!

  2. Thank you Jenny. I did sign up to start.warwick when first it was announced it does seem to have improved. Certainly, the gadgets seem have more functionality for work. It is much better than clicking through all the links on the intranet.
